
… to the home of LUW Genre Writers – Infinite Monkeys, a chapter of the League of Utah Writers.

The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.

We believe we shouldn’t leave such things to chance and instead strive to provide education for those individuals desiring to acquire or further develop their literary skills in the genre fiction field. We meet to improve craft and support writers at every stage of their path toward publication and beyond. Geared toward the needs of genre writers, we lift one another through inclusion.

Meetings are held in-person and online, so everyone is welcomed to attend no matter where you are at. Our chapter meetings are on the second Thursday and our write-ins are on the fourth Thursday of the month–starting at 7 pm US Mountain Time. Check out the calendar on the meeting page for the latest information.

Contact us at luwgenremonkeys@gmail.com

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